wildness Show

The Ta Ong Bridge is the longest bridge in the world

The Ta Ong Bridge is the longest bridge in the world

 ----- ***** ----- The Ta Ong bridge is one of the longest bridges among the 14 bridges in Kambor Commune, Chavav Commune, Chikreng District, Siem Reap Province, along the Angkorian Road to Bakan, the ancient road from Angkor to Preah Temp Khan Kampong Svay. The ancient Taoyang Bridge was built in the late 12th and early 13th centuries, where its foundation and body are made of laterite and decorated with nails, headed 9 and There are Buddhists meditating on the sandstone head in the Bayon style. The ancient bridge is 77 meters long, 13 meters wide and 6 meters high, with 15 holes and each hole is 2 meters long and 6 meters high. -------- Ty Sareun
